Thursday, August 30, 2012

7th-- Critical Analysis Project (Poetry)

Today you will be answering the following questions in your group on a separate sheet of paper. Feel free to use your Literary Language Vocabulary Packet, the Forms of Poetry paper, and the Asking Questions worksheet that were given to you these past few days. These papers will help guide you to your answers. When you are finished, come see me so you can get started on your cover art!

Written by: Buson

Critical Thinking

1. In the first haiku, what does the speaker warn the ducklings about?

2. How would you describe the speaker’s attitude (tone) toward the ducks? 

3. Which technique or words helped the author convey his ideas, pictures (imagery), or feelings (mood) to you most successfully?

Drawing Conclusions

1. Ask two literal questions, one for the second haiku and one for the third haiku. Answer your questions.

2. Buson values nature. Ask one interpretive question that will draw the conclusion to support this statement.

Written by: William Jay Smith

Critical Thinking

1. What form of poetry is “Seal”?
2. Identify 6 words that describe the movement of the seal. How would you describe the mood, or feeling, that these words create?

3. Which technique or words helped the author convey his ideas, pictures (imagery), or feelings (mood) to you most successfully?

Literary Analysis

1. Analyze the graphical elements of the poem. Why might the poet have arranged the lines of the poem this way?

2. How does word position affect the poem’s meaning?

Mother to Son
Written by: Langston Hughes

Critical Thinking

1. What qualities does the mother demonstrate through her words and actions? Why does she need those qualities?

2. How can we show admiration for others in our lives?

Drawing Conclusions

1. What details in the poem support the conclusion that life has not been easy for the mother?

Literary Analysis

1. Name at least 2 metaphors mentioned. 

2. Determine the figurative meaning: What does the staircase symbolize?

Written by: Pat Mora

Critical Thinking

1. What word or lines in maestro show that the musician is a professional? 

2. Who is more influential to him as a musician—his audience or his family? Explain. 

3. How does the maestro communicate without words?

Drawing Conclusions

1. What type of question would you ask yourself as you read the first line of the poem? Answer your question.

Literary Analysis

1. Find two examples of repetition.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7th -- Poems

Here are some of the poems we will be reading for our Poetry Unit this week. Enjoy!

Edgar Allan Poe's Annabel Lee.

William Jay Smith's Seal

Langston Hughes Mother to Son

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8th - Greek and Alonquin Mythology

Greek mythology is perhaps one of the most studied mythologies of all time. The stories of Olympus have stood the test of time and are often referenced in music, books, and even in movies. Tomorrow we will read about Orpheus and his love. We will also read an Algonquin myth that is rather similar to the Greek. It is also about a young warrior and his love.

Below are videos on the Greek creation myth, as well as the Algonquin creation myth.



7th - Literary Language

Today we went over what poetry is and what forms of poetry are out there for us to enjoy. At the end of class I gave each of you the Literary Language Vocabulary Packet. You are to complete sections A and B. We will go over sections C and D together tomorrow. Many of these vocabulary words should be familiar to you, but if you have any questions you may comment on this blog or ask me directly in person tomorrow.

Section A - Figurative Language

Section B - Sensory Language

Monday, August 27, 2012

7th - Forms of Poetry

Hi, everyone! It was a pleasure meeting you all.
Tomorrow we will be going over word parts. This is critical to understanding how English works as the English language is derived from mostly Greek and Latin roots and affixes. We will go into further detail on this tomorrow. The video below features a very creative, fun rap about suffixes, prefixes, and roots. Read the lyrics, sing along. Have fun with word parts!

We will also begin our poetry unit for the 9 weeks. I am eager to show you the various types of poetry that is out there for us to enjoy. I have made a slide for you below that will inform you on different forms of poetry. Next week, you will write a poem about yourself so take into consideration what form of poem you would like to utilize.

What form of poetry is your favorite? What about your favorite poem? Poet? Personally, my favorite poet is Langston Hughes, although I do really enjoy the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. :)

8th - Introduction to Mythology

Tomorrow we will be reviewing word parts, and then we will be heading straight into mythology. Mythologies have been around for thousands of years and have defined an entire culture of people in regards to their traditions, religion, way of life, etc. For this week, we will be reading a few short myths from the ancient Egyptian world, to Greek, to Native American.

Here is a clip about what mythology is and how it covers a range of topics, such as creation, life, death, purpose, etc.

Since we will begin covering an Egyptian myth tomorrow involving Amun and his daughter, Tefnut, I wanted to introduce you guys to how they were created. What is so interesting about Amun (also known as Amun Ra or Ra) is that he basically created himself out of sheer will power. Isn't that awesome?

I have always been fascinated with Egyptian mythology and I hope everyone is looking forward to a productive day tomorrow!


Recommended reads: The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan