Tuesday, December 11, 2012

7th-- Reviewing Elements of Expository Texts

So far we have been discovering expository texts:

Expository text – A type of informational text that clarifies or explains something.
Examples of expository text:

  • News articles
  • Brochures
  • Textbooks
  • Trade books
  • Reference and research materials
  • Periodicals


We also discussed how there can be certain biases not only within expository texts, but media as well. There are three examples of biases in expository texts:

Factual claim – a statement that claims truth and contains no value language.

Assertion – a claim or declaration stated with conviction

Opinion – a personal view or belief based on emotions or interpretation of facts


To refresh your memory, here is a check list on how to evaluate summaries in expository texts:
  • Check to see main ideas from the beginning, middle, and end.
  • Check to determine accuracy of information
  • Check to determine if all the details are important
  • Determine if the main idea is included
  • Determine if there are brief, coherent sentences that communicate key information in logical order

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