Sunday, December 9, 2012

8th-- Agenda (Week 15)

Here is your agenda for the week:

Objective: TLW (the learner will) analyze procedural texts for missing or extraneous information and evaluate graphics for clarity in communicating meaning.
- Review procedural instructions and graphical components
- Begin reading "Changing a Flat Tire" on page 361

Objective: TLW evaluate graphics for their clarity in communicating meaning/achieving a specific purpose.
-Review Analyzing Graphics in Procedural Text
-Begin reading "How a Gas Engine works" on page 367
-Evaluate the article's graphic components in a group

Objective: TLW evaluate graphics for their clarity in communicating meaning/achieving a specific purpose.
-Finish evaluating the article's graphic components with your group
-Read "Discovering a New Galaxy" on page 370
-Begin brainstorming for a self-created sequential graphic organzier (details soon!)

*During AIM, you must complete Unit 6 for suffixes. We will be having a quiz over Unit 5 and 6 on Friday.

Objective: TLW analyze, evaluate, and create a self-created sequential graphic organizer with graphics for clarity in achieving a specific purpose.
- Create a sequential graphic organizer and add graphics
- Exchange procedure with a partner to analyze and evaluate

Objective: TLW show mastery of procedural and persusasive texts through a STAAR minitest.
- Unit 5 & 6 Quiz
- Persuasive and Procedural Text Minitests

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